Wednesday 14 October 2015

Week 6 : Totipotency and Pollination & Development of Plant Embryo

ability of  a individual plant cell/tissue/organ to regenerate into a whole plant under right condition.


For week 6, I learn about totipotency and pollination and development of plant embryo. As for totipotency, I learn how the explant undergo de-defferentiation to form callus and undergo re-differentiation to undergo re-differentiation to form embryo.

Another topic that I learn in that week is pollination and development of plant embryo. I learn about plants reproductive organs, life cycle of angiosperms, double fertilizations and  plant embryogenesis (zygotic & somatic embryogenesis). This is an interesting topic because I learn new things which are zygotic and somatic embryogenesis.

Plants reproductive organs    

Ovule that contain megasporongium -> megaspores -> give rise to female gametophytes

Anther has microsporangium ->microspores -> pollen grain (contain male gametophytes)

Life cycle of angiosperms 

Double Fertilization
Pollination : transfer of pollen to the part of a seed plant containing the ovule
When pollen grain at anther transfer to the stigma, pollen grain will germinates and give rise to pollen tube that discharges 2 sperms into female gametophyte within the ovule. One sperm nucleus fertilizes egg and generate a 2n diploid zygote.Meanwhile, another sperm nucleus fertilizes a polar cell with two 1n nuclei generating a 3n triploid endosperm that provide nutrients to the developing embryo

Plant embryogenesis

Plant embryogenesis : process that produces a plant embryo from a fertillised ovule by asymmetric cell division and differentiation of undifferentiated cells into tissues and organs

1) Zygotic embryogenesis

2) Somatic embryogenesis